Treatments we offer
Treatments offered at Panchaved
- Panchakarma includes Five basic Pancha shodhan Procedures namely - Vaman, Virechan, Basti, Nasya and Raktamokshan.
- Prior to these five main detoxification procedures ; Panchakarma includes some preparatory procedures like Pachana, Sarvang Snehan and Sarvang Swedan, Janu Basti, Janu Dhara etc.
- We also offer traditional kerlaite procedure along with main PanchaShodhan procedures we at Panchakarma Center offer various Tarpan procedures like Greeva Basti, Kati Basti, Prushtavansh Basti, Hriday Basti.
- Also we offer some traditional Keralite Panchakarma procedures including Navarkizzi, Patra Pottali, Jambir Pottali, Pizzinchil etc.
- We have some instant pain managment procedures including Agnikarma, ViddhaKarma, Ghati Yantra, Nadi Swedan....
Sarvang Snehan - Whole Body Massage
In the whole body massage various medicated oils or ghees are selected as per your health problems and body constitution . It helps in relaxing the muscles, increasing blood circulation, relieves pain and stiffness from the body. It also helps to improve the functionality of the immune system, benefits the appearance and health of the skin. It helps to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. We at Panchakarma Center are also offering various local massage treatments like head massage, foot massage as per the body requirement of that perticular individual.
Sarvan Swedan - Whole Body Steam
In the whole body massage various medicated oils or ghees are selected as per your health problems and body constitution . It helps in relaxing the muscles, increasing blood circulation, relieves pain and stiffness from the body. It also helps to improve the functionality of the immune system, benefits the appearance and health of the skin. It helps to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. We at Panchakarma Center are also offering various local massage treatments like head massage, foot massage as per the body requirement of that perticular individual.
Shirodhara is one the most beneficial treatment for relaxing body and mind. It leads the entire body into a state of calmness and trans. In this Process ; a vessel slowly and rhythmically pours different medicated oils or liquids on forehead for a stipulated period.Shirodhara is beneficial in various psychosomatic & musculoskeletal disorders. It is also adviced in healthy individual for complete relaxation of body & mind.
Vaman - Therapeutic emesis with due care.
It is a process of controlled therapeutic emesis which cleanses the upper part of body. By the action of Ayurvedic medicines Kaha dominated vitiated doshas are expelled out from the Aamashay. Vaman is classical detoxification procedure for Kapha dosha dominated disorders having curative role in various skin disorders, respiratory diseases and other lifestyle disorders. Even it is benificial in healthy individuals especially during early summer days or Vasant Rutu as per Indian culture.
Virechan - Therapeutic purgation with proper care.
It is not merely giving purgatives but it's the expulsion of vitiated doshas through anal route. It is classical detoxification procedure for Pitta dosh dominated disorders inlcuding various digestive disorders, liver related problems, skin infections, psychosomatic disorders and many more. It is also adviced in healthy individuals during october heat ( Sharad Rutu as per Indian culture ). It is very useful for detoxification of Liver and other digestive organs.
Basti - Administration of various medicines via anal route.
Basti is the most widely used procedure among all the Panchakarma procedures with very wide and effective use in various disorders. Majorly it deals with vitiated Vat dosh of the body ; But along with Vat dosha it is also effective in Pitta and Kapha dominated disorders with its various permutation and combinations. In the Basti procedure, various medicated oils, ghee and decoctions are administrated through anal route. Basti is effectively used in the treatment of multiple systems including Musculoskeletal, digestive, nervous, digestive disorders and many more. It is also adviced in the healthy individual during early months of raint season i.e. Varsha Rutu as per Indian culture .
Nasya - Administration of various medicines via Nasal route.
In the Nasya treatment various medicated oils or ghee or fresh herb juices are administrated through nasal route. According to ayurveda, Nasya is the most important treatment while dealing with various diseases of head, neck and brain. It is very effective in the treatment of chronic sinusitis and other respiratory disorders, psycho somatic disorders , diseases of brain and nervous system and even in maintaining health of healthy individuals.
RaktaMokshan - Blood letting by various means.
RaktaMokshan is important treatment while dealing with various skin infections, allergies and various disorders with impure blood. In this procedure, blood letting is done with variety of instruments as per the requirement of body and disease. It is even adviced in the healthy individuals during Pitta vitiated conditions especially during october heat ( i.e. Sharad Rutu as per Indian culture ).
Nadiswedanam - Medicated steam therapy
Nadiswedanam is usually done for localized conditions like Osteoarthritis, Sprain or to relieve some localized pain as in Cervical spondylitis. Here fomentation is done with the vapours generated out of medicated decoction that is then applied to the affected area with the help of rubber tube. Proper oleation of the affected part is done prior to Nadi Sweda.
Udvartan - Ayurvedic therapeutic scrub
This is vigorously rubbing dry herbs into the skin opposite to the hair direction. As well as cleansing and nourishing the skin, this process tones the muscles and reduces fat by improving the metabolism of muscles and adipose tissue. It leaves the skin tingling soothed and soft.
Manya Basti
In this procedure ; Warm medicated oil is applied to the upper back or spine using a a dam made from dough. Many Basti is very effective in various Musculoskeletal and Neuromuscular disorders especially in upper back region.
Urovasti (Hridayabasti) - Therapeutic oil dam on chest
Warm medicated oil is kept over the chest for 45 minutes. This is an effective treatment for asthma, other respiratory problems and muscular chest pain, control blood pressure.
Kativasti - Therapeutic oil dam on back
This is an intensely soothing massage treatment, in which warm herbalised oil is applied to the lower back area using a dam (container) made from dough. Kati Basti is highly effective in relieving lower back pain and any complaints affecting the abdomen. This includes the irritable bowel syndrome, endometriosis, menstrual and urinary tract disorders.
Njavarakkizhi Pindasweda - Rejuvenative pouch massage
![Njavarakkizhi Pindasweda](
This is the most unctuous type of oleation and sudation combination. A special brown ‘Shati’ type rice is cooked in decoction of roots of “Bela” (Sida retuse). Four poulticesare prepared with it for continuous use. A highly beneficial treatment for facial palsy. Hemiplegia and degenerative muscle diseases such as multiple sclerosis and muscular atrophy.
Panchakarma Therapies Offered at Panchaved
- SNEHAN (Internal Oleation)
- ABHYANG (Medicated oil massage)
- SWEDAN (Medicated steam bath)
- VAMAN (Therapeutic Emesis)
- VIRECHAN (Therapeutic Purgation)
- NASYAM (Nasal root of administration of various medicines)
- RAKTAMOKSHAN (Therapeutic blood letting by different methods)
Our Kerala Treatments
Treatments at Panchaved
![Preaparation for the Pinda Sweda Treatment](