Dr. Nachiket Wachasundar
Dr. Nachiket Wachasundar
M.D. (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Gold Medalist
Dr. Nachiket Wachasundar is the founder and owner of Panchaved Ayurvedic Panchakarma Hospital.
- He had a glorious educational career. He completed his M.D. (Ayurvedic Medicine) with flying colours and secured gold medal.
- He had the privilege to learn from eminent Ayurvedic physicians Late Vd. Gajananshastri Pandit and Late Vd. Shreekrishna Harshe.
- He had his special training in Kerala Panchakarma from a prestigious institute in Coimbatore.
- He started his clinical practice of Ayurved and Panchakarma in 1990.
- He had the opportunity to visit different Countries worldwide for the propagation of Ayurved including Germany, France, Switzerland, UAE and Sri Lanka.
- He worked as a visiting faculty in several Ayurvedic Colleges.
- He is one of the founder members of Ayurved Vyaspeeth - an organization working for Ayurvedic practitioners and students.
- Founder President of Sukhayu Foundation ; Non Goverment Organisation working for propagation of Ayurved, Yoga & other Indic Sciences in society. sukhayufoundation
- He has many research papers to his credit regarding Hyperacidity and digestive disorders, viral hepatitis, Sciatica, Vitiligo, Diabetes, Allergic Sinusitis, Varicose Veins , Cancer and their Ayurvedic treatments.
- He was invited to deliver lectures regarding Ayurved for layman and for Ayurvedic doctors by many organisations.
- He has organized informative exhibitions regarding Ayurved for layman in different cities.
- He has written consistently in different dailies and periodicals regarding various Ayurved related subjects.
- He has appeared on television in health talk shows of different channels.
- He has written an informative booklet regarding Ayurved and Cancer for the layman.
- He has also written a comprehensive reference book regarding Panchakarma for Ayurvedic practitioners for which he is felicitated many a times.
- Medical director & Chief Physician at Arogyagram Ayurvedic Panchakarma & Wellness Centre near Karad. ( www.arogyagram.co.in )
- 1993 – Viral hepatitis in the Epidemic and Ayurvedic treatment (Satara)
- 1994 - Use of Amala powder in the treatment of hyperacidity (Kolhapur)
- 1995 - Spinal problems like Sciatica & Ayurvedic treatment ( Pune )
- 1995 – Use of specially designed herbo mineral combination (RAMB) in the treatment of vitiligo ( Dombivali )
2000 – Two research papers presented in the conference at Zurich (Switzerland):
- Ethmopharmacology & Primary health care with special reference to Ayurveda & Indian rural society.
- Suggested Inhouse Quality control Programme for Herbal Medicines.
- 2008 –The effect of Stevia rebaudiana in the treatment of Diabetes (Pune)
- 2010 – Vacha tail Nasya in Sinusitis (Dubai)
- 2012 – Varicose Veins: Ayurvedic Perspective (Colombo)
Awards and Accolades
More than 30 years of his successful tenure, Dr. Nachiket has received many awards and accolades. To name a few...
- Prestigious 'Pancha Shodhan Chikitsa Vishesh Sanman' by Prabha Ayurved Fuondation, Maharashtra
- Dr. Indrajeet Sharma international best book award at Colombo (Sri Lanka) for writing a reference book on Practical Panchakarma for Ayurvedic doctors.
- International excellence award at Dubai by the hands of Dr. Mehnaz Emani (London)
- Prestigious Vd. Pade award from Vd. Khadiwale (Pune) by the auspicious hands of Shri. Mohan Dhariya
- Sathye Best Book Award from Ayurveda Vidnyan Mandal, Mumbai.
- Best Ex student Award from Tilak High School, Karad.
Ayurved and Cancer (Marathi)
Informative booklet on Ayurved and Cancer for the layman.
Swasthya (Marathi)
Informative pocket book on healthy living for the layman.
Panchakarma for Ayurvedic practitioners (Marathi)
A comprehensive reference book regarding Panchakarma for Ayurvedic practitioners